Photographs from 'The Falcon' 1981

Photographs from The Falcon 1981

1980 was the year the civil war came to an end and Zimbabwe was born.  Initially there was great uncertainty, especially as the designated assembly point for Joshua Nkomo's ZIPRA forces was just down the road from us at the Battle Camp next to the bridge across the upper reaches of the Upper Ncema Dam.  All of this was marked in the magazine with the photograph below, courtesy of The Bulawayo Chronicle, showing the Russian tanks used by ZIPRA during the war as they headed for the assembly point.


On a happier note, the next photograph shows the 1980 Prefects, a fine bunch of young men, and DET.


Next we have Sixth Form work in the excellently equipped Physics Laboratories.


Again in 1980 we entered the National High Schools' Theatre Festival with One More River by Beverley Cross.  Details from the Adjudicator's Report were published and there was much high praise in it.  Alan Taylor produced the play and Tony Gane built the set, assisted by Ross Cowing.  Also featured were two songs especially composed and performed by Sean Bryan: I Knew a Girl from Trinidad and I Once Loved a Girl and her Name it was Jeannie.  The adjudicator noted that Sean "played and sang beautifully", and there are many reading this who will know he continues doing that to this day!


Falcon College was always lucky to have an essentially unlimited supply of water from the old Bushtick Mine.  There was some concern, therefore, when the mine was opened up again with plans to pump part of it dry.  We were assured that this would not affect our water supply, but the occasion was of sufficient moment to merit three photographs, as seen below, as work on Warwick East progressed.


For some strange reason which I do not recall, the First Team Rugby photograph didn't make it into the magazine.  Instead, we were treated to photographs of both the rugby and the hockey matches played against Peterhouse in 1980.  Four photographs of the rugby are followed by two of the hockey.



The team photographs for 1980 follow below.

In 1980 the Exploration Society Expedition to Chete Safari Area on Lake Kariba was lead by John Stakesby-Lewis and Tony and Andrea Davey.  The marquee was put up during the afternoon on arrival and provided valuable shelter when the rain came down that evening.


Puncture repair in this rough terrain was not an unusual task.


Small mammals found in nocturnal excursions ...

... and bats in baobabs.


The College's outboard motor came into its own on the lake ...

... and there were the usual chores to perform in the catering department.



On to The Falcon 1982

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